Three tips for the perfect vegan smoothie!

Making lunch is very rewarding, but it can take a lot of time. Smoothies are a great solution, as they are easy to make and offer a lot of the vitamins you need daily. However, if you’re vegan, making a smoothie can be quite difficult as they are often based on milk. In this blog, we’ll give you three tips to help you make the perfect vegan smoothie. Get inspired!


  1. Find milk replacements

The first important step for your vegan smoothie, is replacing milk by something eco-friendly. Soya milk is very popular, but almond milk and coconut can be great replacements as well. All of these milks bring a different taste to the table, which is of course exactly what you want for the perfect smoothie. Make sure to look up what kind of milk goes well with what kind of flavours, as you don’t want to make a mix that ends up tasting less good than you would’ve liked. If you’re not a big fan of milk in general, there are also a lot of great water-based smoothie recipes to be found online.


  1. Mix it up

The perfect way to find the perfect vegan smoothie, is by trying lots of different variations. Especially if you’re new to vegan smoothies, combining new tastes will be very exciting and rewarding. You probably will end up finding smoothies that don’t taste very good, but that doesn’t matter, as you can now scratch certain things of your list. Of course, combining different fruits and vegetables is smart, but like we just said, there’s more to a smoothie than just this: try switching up with milk and water every now and then too. And, even if you have found the perfect recipe for you, we suggest still not going for simply the same one every day: you don’t want to get bored of your perfect smoothie.


  1. Add some flavour

Now that you have all the ingredients needed for your smoothie, you can start making it. If after combining everything, it feels like your smoothie is still a little flat, we suggest adding ingredients like sugar, or CBD Hemp Oil. We won’t have to explain what sugar does, but for CBD Hemp Oil we might need to give a little explanation: this cannabidiol-based oil is available in several flavours at Candropharm. Not only does this help you to bring more taste to your vegan smoothie, it helps you to relax as well!

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