Wondering where to start with the best books by Richard Dawkins?
Professor Richard Dawkins is a name most will have heard of, and some will have even enjoyed his debates on popular streaming platforms and in lecture halls around the world. However, where we believe Richard Dawkins really shines is in his books. Breaking down complex theories of evolution, religion, and the what it means to be a free thinker, and presenting his work in a digestible and understandable way.
We’ve outlined our top selections below, all of which are firm favourites of the Word Power team!
1. The Ancestor’s Tale
Richard Dawkins
2. The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
3. Climbing Mount Improbable
Richard Dawkins
4. Devil’s Chaplain
Richard Dawkins
5. Das Egoistische GEN
Richard Dawkins
6. The Evolution of Life
Richard Dawkins
7. The Extended Phenotype
Richard Dawkins
8. The God Delusion
Richard Dawkins
9. Host Manipulation by Parasites
Richard Dawkins
10. Le Gene Egoiste
Richard Dawkins
11. The Magic of Reality
Richard Dawkins
12. Natural Selection
Richard Dawkins
13. The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
Richard Dawkins
14. Le Plus Grand Spectacle Du Monde
Richard Dawkins
15. Q&A Darwin
Richard Dawkins
16. River Out of Eden
Richard Dawkins
17. The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins
18. The Tinbergen Legacy
Richard Dawkins