SEO-Friendly Content Writing tips | A Complete Guide for Content Creators

The best type of content is that you create and people actually read, share and link to it. Creating quality content is essential for SEO success.

But, just creating content isn’t enough – you need to make sure that search engines can find, index, and understand it.

For that, you need to start doing SEO writing, so what does SEO writing mean? First, let’s understand what SEO is?

What is SEO?

The Search Engine Optimization process involves optimizing each aspect of your websites such as your content, HTML, and other areas to increase its relevance to specific keywords/key phrases and improve the quality of search engine results.

There are hundreds of ranking factors that Google uses to determine the order in which websites appear when someone types a search query into their search box.

Some of these factors are on-page, meaning they exist within the context of a website, while others are off-page, meaning they’re independent of the content.

What is SEO writing?

SEO writing or writing for SEO (search engine optimization) is about creating content that ranks well in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines.

If you want your website or blog to rank well in search results, your content must be optimized. Without SEO-optimized content, you’re missing out on a lot of organic traffic and potential customers.

If you’re interested in becoming an SEO writer, here are some useful tips:

1.   Create Content for Your Audience

The first and most important thing is that you should create content for your audience. This is the basic rule to follow when creating content, whether it’s blog posts, articles, or other types of content.

If you want to create quality content, you need to learn what your audience is looking for and how they want it delivered. You need to learn about their problems, wants, and needs.

If you have a clear understanding of what your target audience is looking for, you will be able to make good decisions about what kind of content you should write.

Some questions that might help you include:

  • What are their age groups?
  • What is their gender?
  • What do they want to know about my niche?
  • Do I have any competitors in my niche? If yes, what type of content are they creating.

The best way to do this is through keyword research and analyzing search results.

2.   Optimize Your Content Using Keywords

Another important tip for content creation is to optimize your content using keywords. If you want your website and content to rank higher in search engine results, then you need to include keywords in all areas of your website.

This means including keywords in titles and tags as well as in body copy and URLs. It’s important that your content remains relevant and useful for users.

Use keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, etc., and try to find the keywords that have low competition but high search volume.

Using too many or too few keywords may result in your site being penalized for nothing but keyword stuffing.

3.    Write long-form content

Longer posts have more room for keywords, headlines, images, subheadings, and other elements that help with SEO.

It’s important to keep quality in mind when writing longer posts — don’t ramble on just to make a post longer.

When it comes to long-form content, “long” can range anywhere from 1,000 words up to 3,000 or more.

Covering a long blog post is not a walk-in park, you need to put so much effort and research work to finish it.


Moreover, being a writer you may face writer’s block, be unable to come up with new ideas, or just simply have difficulty in rewriting an existing piece of fact. Here, online paraphrasing tools come in. Use a free paraphrasing tool to combat this issue and get help in writing long-form content.

Long-form content is also great because it covers topics thoroughly, resulting in fewer pages and therefore fewer ads on your site (and fewer opportunities for people to leave).

It also has a natural advantage when it comes to keyword usage because longer articles naturally have more search terms within them.

However, we would still recommend keeping keyword usage down to a minimum so that you don’t end up with keyword stuffing penalties from Google.

4.  Create Plagiarism-Free Content

Plagiarized content can be very harmful to your website’s SEO progress. If you upload plagiarized content, you can get hit by a Google penalty.

To make sure that there is no plagiarism in your writing, you should first be careful about not copying anything directly from a published source.

And secondly, you should use a free plagiarism checker after coming up with the draft to detect and eliminate any accidental matches that your content might have picked up.

5.   Promote natural link building

Link building is one of the most effective ways to improve your site’s ranking. Your goal should be to rack up as many high-quality links from relevant, authoritative websites as you can.

One good way to do this is by guest posting for other sites and publications. Target publications that are relevant to your niche, and offer posts that will be useful to readers. A few high-quality links in this way will provide a big boost to your site’s ranking.

Offering valuable content that others want to share is one of the best ways to build links. If you’re creating a lot of low-quality content, then it will be harder for you to get a good number of backlinks.

6.   Make headlines that pack a punch

There are plenty of studies that show how headlines can make or break your content. Your headlines are the first thing readers will see when they come across your posts or articles in a search engine results page or social media feed, so it’s critical that they’re attention-grabbing and interesting enough to make people want to click through. Good headlines make people want to read the rest of your article!

7.   Structure your post

When you’re writing a blog post, you need to keep in mind what your topic is and what keywords you’re targeting. It’s also important for the title and content of your post to match.

Your readers may be searching for a specific topic or question, so make sure that the title of your post answers the question – or at least leads them to where they can find the answer!

If you want your article to get more traffic from Google and other search engines, write short paragraphs. A paragraph should have around 150 words and only one topic.

It should also include at least 1 header tag (H1, H2, or H3), one bold sentence, and 1 italicized sentence.

8.   Use images to support SEO writing

As a part of SEO writing, it’s important to include images within your text. But don’t just use any image – make sure that the images you use are relevant, as well as high quality and attractive.

For example, if you’re talking about a “blue jacket” in your article, then show an image of a blue jacket!

Adding images to your posts will also make them more shareable on social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

This can help drive traffic back to your website from these platforms as well! You must also need to optimize these images with keywords (like alt-text)


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex and often misunderstood topic, but if you want your content to be read by the right people, it’s something that needs to be applied to every piece of content you create.

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), the value of good content cannot be understated.

When it comes to building links, earning social shares, and ultimately moving up in rankings, quality content is a must. So what does it mean for content to be good?

First of all, it means more than just incorporating keywords into your text — it means writing in a way that readers actually want to read.

It’s not easy to do, but if you can develop a knack for doing this well, you’ll see much better results from your efforts.

Employ the above-mentioned easy tips on how to create great SEO-friendly content and see your content ranking higher with time.

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