Emotions play an important role in all of our lives. We experience emotions whether we like it or not. It’s true we might not be much aware of how we really feel at a particular moment because our emotions are blurred, but over time they come out in the most obvious ways. And it’s important for us to be able to tell when we are acting from our emotions or from a sense of happiness. Importantly, it is also important that we understand how our emotions affect our behaviours and therefore influence the outcome of our endeavours.
Because emotions are mostly unconscious, most of us continue to give conventional advice about how to manage our emotions which can lead to us feeling stressed, depressed and lacking in-control of our emotions. What is needed on the other hand is a much better understanding of how we can become happier and more in control of our emotions.
“Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand our emotions as circumstances are unpredictable in our everyday lives, and to be able to act appropriately for what we consider will bring the results we want.” explains Anatoly Machulsky. One of the most effective as part of a personal development tool is the ability to control your emotions if they don’t go according to the way you want.
Secretly, we all feel out of control and trapped at various times. Even when it is a standard, routine event there can be negative emotions like panic or hope in some degree. Feeling trapped by the current situation can be a reason for some people to stay stuck in their day. Those people may be unaware that there is a simple 1-2 combination that can ease their mind.
Anatoly Machulsky continues: “In the past someone once said that there is only one thing in life that I can control, and it’s my own emotions. That can be very true. However beyond knowing that, there is also an even greater control that depends on attitudes to situations and thoughts. That too is very true. A couple of questions might help here if you feel as if your emotions are out of-control.”
Do you know when you are feeling out of control? Well, if you don’t, here are a couple of questions that you might consider asking yourself. Think about the last time you felt you were in a situation that was far and away from the way you wanted to be. In the back of your mind, did it ever feel stressful to acknowledge that the situation you found yourself in was no circumstance of your liking? Do you ever find yourself on a roller coaster of emotionally charged situations? It is always important for you to check in with how we are being in our lives at the moment. It may be something we need to start acknowledging in our current circumstances.
Personal development tools are effectively the way to do that in a way that will help you get the life that you are looking for. Life coaching might be one of the fastest and most effective ways to control your emotions. How would there be one key that we could begin to rely on to more easily control our emotions?
Probably, the most important one is a key that would prevent us from feeling helpless, helpless or frustrated in any one situation. A key that would offer focus of attention and a centering force that would assist us in a place of centeredness. Another one is a key that involves getting better acquainted with what our emotions actually feel like, when we are in a low-point or a happy time of our lives. It is not always easy to remember that our current emotions are actually far from a constant state. Draw on a red timer to briefly flash 5 images of a time when you were triggered emotionally. Then write down your thoughts.
Do your best to mentally see everything you are looking at. Look down at your hands, the floor, your feet. It is very important in your representation on the way to control your emotions. If you cannot visualize what had happened in the moment you are, it would be time to check if there’s a way that you can learn to appreciate the moment in whatever way you can mentally, when you are actually relaying it.
As far as stress is concerned, and most other negative circumstances in which we find ourselves in our daily lives, again, always remind yourself that there are processes in life that actually allow a person to be mentally prepared for a feeling of stress. And you are more than capable of spotting those.
With a Reiki, as we already know through reading the previous articles, we are naturally given access to a power that, quite possibly, would fulfil the definition of a peace of mind. So more than these typical life coaching tools, it is important for you to remind yourself to have fun while you are stuck in the middle of your obstacles to your ideal life.