Starting a new venture can be a double-edged sword, but it is the risk that must be taken when starting a project, if it is a business related to the industry, what we are going to describe in this article below will be very useful for you.
Entrepreneurs are verifying that storage and transportation expenses, in this type of business, can be minimized with the use of containers, which have shown that they can reduce the operating expenses of this type of company in the industrial and commercial areas in general.
Currently, self-assembly storage containers are being implemented, which are a very convenient alternative due to their advantages of portability, manual operation and portability at its best.
These teams often have in their designs, supports in their corners, to facilitate the operation and transport of the container, even having the possibility of stacking them with forklifts or some similar equipment.
The most advanced designs have the characteristic that they can be disassembled and assembled by separate pieces, such as plates, which facilitate their transport due to the optimization of the volume they occupy, in case of being moved to a distant site, such as another city.
These containers are made of a material with high resistance, to guarantee the safety of what is stored, with doors or windows that can be sealed or opened, according to convenience.
Brief history of the origins of the containers
Although the origins of modern containerization go back at least to the time of the Phoenicians, it was only in the 1950s that the modern concept of containerization finally took hold.
Its creator was Mr. Malcolm McLean, a successful executive in the trucking industry in the United States, who removed the wheels from some of the trailers he used for trucking.
These units were placed on wheeled chassis and wagons specially built for this purpose. The shipping industry was very impressed by the progress made. Subsequently, experts representing all facets of this new industry established, in collaboration with governments, international standards applicable to the size of containers, the specifications for their construction and the resistance characteristics. Once these specifications were established, the container revolution had begun.
Uses and operation of a container
- Safe and easy storage of supplies, equipment, parts among others.
- In case of transport in cargo trucks, they can be easily loaded and unloaded by a forklift, previously with their storage inside.
- Facilitates the placement in storage areas, minimizing and optimizing the spaces to occupy
- It makes the process of moving supplies, equipment or elements in general, from the storage point to the loading site.
Containers have definitely arrived several decades ago to stay for a long time, as a very practical, feasible and economical option for industrial trade.
This element has practically ideal conditions for storage, transport, security and portability, among other several characteristics that have made a revolutionary advance in commerce and industry today, with more and more uses and new applications that have occurred.
All this has caused an ever greater increase in the use and application of these elements to the current industry and commerce.